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Refer a friend storage

Refer a Friend for Storage Savings!

Looking for a new home? The coronavirus pandemic saw a surge of people moving from big cities to less crowded areas. When people were given the opportunity to work from home, some naturally chose to find more affordable places to do so. If you or a friend are planning on moving temporarily or permanently, Defender Self Storage has a deal for you. When you refer a friend to our Penn Hills PA or Lorain OH storage facilities, you each receive $50 off your storage rental. Let us help you keep all your items organized through your move!

So why did so many people choose the pandemic as the time to move?

Why People Moved During the Pandemic

  1. Cost. New York, Brooklyn, and Chicago were the top three city areas with large numbers of residents moving out. People choose to live in the city to be close to work, take advantage of the attractions, and immerse themselves in the city scene. During the pandemic, all of those were taken away. Renters were spending a majority of their paychecks to sit in their apartments, unable to leave except to go to get groceries. At a certain point, it no longer makes sense economically to live in the city when you can pay cheaper rent elsewhere and still work at your job.
  2. Population Density and Crowded Areas. The CDC recommended that people stay 6 feet away from one another, but inner city stores are already so crowded. Besides the high cost of the remaining in the city, people also did not want to be forced into close quarters with others during the pandemic.
  3. Government Restrictions. Because of their high populations, big cities were also met with harsh restrictions, like curfews and indoor dining bans. Rural areas became more enticing when their restrictions showed to be more lenient.

Find Storage for Your Move & Refer a Friend for $50 Off Storage Rentals!

Defender Self Storage has two storage facilities: Lorain OH and Penn Hills PA. Call or swing by the location closest to you to talk to an expert about what Defender Self Storage can do for you. Both the facilities are fully temperature-controlled and have available storage units, ready for you to rent. You can rent or reserve your storage today, but do not forget to refer a friend for $50 off!

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Lorain OH · Penn Hills PA

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Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is the SEO Manager at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.